Tips for a Less Painful Bikini Wax

Waxing is one of the most painful and unpleasant beauty rituals women go through in an attempt to look their best in every single way. Although a painless waxing is an ideal that can be quite difficult to achieve, several strategies can be used to make this experience a less unpleasant one.Sometimes being beautiful and getting a flawless skin can be a real pain as anyone who has ever hand a bikini waxing session can easily testify. Although bikini waxing can be a real blessing in  the sense that it has longer lasting results than other methods of hair removal, the price for this feature seems to be very high for many women as even the most dedicated beauty conscious women tend to think twice before going for this technique.  

Even though the pain tends to lessen in intensity after a while the ordeal often remains. Although a painless bikini waxing is an almost impossible goal, there are a few secrets that can be used to make this experience a little less unpleasant if we are willing to make a few simple changes.
One of the first and most obvious tips to make the experience less traumatic is to make sure that we avoid scheduling waxing sessions a few days before our period is due as the skin tends to be extra sensitive during these times.

Although waxing before your period is one of the worst choices you can make there is also a good time to schedule your waxing session. Your capacity to handle pain reaches its peak between 3 p.m and 5 p.m so you might want to keep this fact in mind when scheduling your appointment with your waxer.

Those who have a naturally low resistance when it comes to pain can  also benefit from taking an over the counter pain killer about 45 minutes before the beauty enhancing session. Aspirin or ibuprofen tend to work best as they also tend to reduce inflammation.Another ritual that can lessen the pain to a certain degree as well as causing less beauty inconveniences such as inability to remove ingrown hairs is exfoliation. A gentle exfoliation of the area one day prior to the waxing session can prove to be very beneficial. However you should make sure that this ritual is done as gently as possible because otherwise the sensitive skin from this area might end up being even more traumatised.
A warm shower right before the appointment can also help as it will open up the pores more easily not to mention the fact that you'll be a lot less susceptible to infections.Even though it might not be the most comforting thought, consistency is really important when  it comes to bikini waxing. The longer you wait between the waxing sessions the harder it will turn out be be successful at your attempts to reduce pain.   

If you are able to handle it, putting ice on the waxed area might help you deal with inflammation better as well as helping you numb the area so that the perceived level of pain to be lower.  


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