Do It Yourself Home Laser Hair Removal Systems Hit The Market

Not too long ago, the only way to have laser hair removal treatments was in a clinic, doctor or a dermatologists office where a lot of money changed hands.  The world of laser hair removal has come a long way since those days, and nowhere is this more evident than by the emergence of personal at home laser hair removal systems.

These devices, selling under brand names such as Tria, Silk N SenseEpil and No No provide a safe, simple and discreet alternative to traditional laser hair removal. With these systems you can remove hair at home, on your own schedule and without the expense or embarrassment of traveling to a laser hair removal clinic.Using the same basic technology as professional laser treatments, these small, hand held home laser hair removal systems offer the option of removing hair quickly and efficiently and with nearly permanent results. Of course, not even professional laser hair removal can be guaranteed to stop hair regrowth entirely, but most systems, including the home models, prevent regrowth by as much as 70 to 80 percent.

Choosing a do it yourself hair removal home system is something that should be done carefully. There are several different models currently available, some of which use lasers while others use light based systems or even electrical current. Obviously the results will differ depending upon which system you use but all have shown the ability to remove unwanted hair and prevent regrowth to a significant degree.

One of the major benefits in opting for a personal laser hair removal system over professional treatments is the cost. Home systems range in price anywhere between $400 to $600 which is significantly less than a course of treatments in a professional clinic or a doctor’s office.

Of course these devices are not for everyone and some people will still prefer to have a professional evaluate their hair removal needs and if you do decide to do it yourself, it’s important to do a thorough research so that you get the best system for your money. Taking an independent look at each home hair removal system if one of the best ways to make sure you get the right device that will work best for you.


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