Intel has announced that from mid-2008 it was sold 100 million processor Intel Atom. Most of these chips are used in netbook and nettop. Now comes a new stage, when based on them will be made plates, running operating systems MeeGo, Android and Windows - at Computex 2011, literally just shut down, demonstrated a number of similar devices from different manufacturers. In addition, in the long term - winning Intel Atom processors and the new smart phone market. Intel spokesman also mentioned during a speech at Computex 2011, the new hardware platform is Intel Cedar Trail with chips Atom netbooks brings a number of useful features. Among them - long battery life: up to 10 hours in active mode and up to 30 days standby time. On Intel Atom is supposed to build computers and a new type - "ultrabuki" - also announced Intel's Computex. It will be thin and light solutions, relatively inexpensive and long-lasting. "
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