Apple introduced iCloud - a set of cloud services, working with applications on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac or PC and allow to automatically save the content to the network and also to automatically transmit the information as a push notification to all the user's device over a wireless connection. When information is changed to one of the devices, she almost instantly updated on all the rest.ServFices, formerly included in the package MobileMe - Contacts, Calendar, and Mail, rebuilt and adapted for use with iCloud. Users can share calendars with friends and family, as well as the use is free of advertising mail service based on push technology, located in the domain me.com. Folder with the inbox and all the mailboxes will be updated on all iOS devices and computers. Internet-shops the App Store and download applications and iBookstore books iOS once all the user's device, not just those with which they are acquired. In addition, App Store and iBookstore can see the history of shopping and one click on the icon iCloud download applications, and books on any iOS device (up to 10 devices) at no extra charge. 


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