LG J10HD home cinema

The one-box home cinema system business reached saturation point some time ago, especially at the cheaper end of the market. Thus, companies such as LG, aimed at the mainstream, are working quite hard to distinguish their products. LG has secured in any efforts J10HD.For starters, this 2.1-channel 300W total power set to the popular Chocolate phone styled. For tecnhology buffs, there is a hard drive, touch-sensitive controls and a good set of connectivity options. Thus, the J10HD well? Well, yes, but not for the reason that LG might have meant.He J10HD dark jacket and “Ice White” light effects are not fit all in the house – think modern, minimalist flat, then polished – but it’s not intentional. It is a bit a 1980 feels like they look, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In the right context, the system looks good. There are also some nice extras, such as dimming of light from the display.


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