Cellulite Therapy at Home

What do we know about cellulite? This lumpy substance mainly appears on such parts of our body as hips, stomach and thighs. This is fat under the skin pushing the conjunctive tissue and forming lumps. Cellulite is a problem of most women. They try various methods and products to make away with cellulite.We can propose one cheap and efficient method of natural treatment at home. We mean wrapping. Women usually apply lotions, clay and special creams on the body when they wrap it. You can wear body wraps doing something about the house, exercising or even sleeping.Bandages are usually soaked in clay or minerals and wrapped on the body. Then they are covered in the cloth. As a result the fat melts away. It is also recommended to combine wrapping with use of gels, lotions and creams. But do not overleap yourself! If you loose too much fluid, it will result in electrolites imbalance and dehydration dangerous for your health.We also would like to propose you a few effective methods. The first one is a recipe of mixture you can prepare at home: take fennel oil and rosemary oil, mix them with 3 teaspoons of any carrier oil, for example, almond oil, and then rub the prepared mixture daily on regions affected by cellulite.You can also massage your skin with nubby wood knobs. The skin should be massaged in circular motions. And at last, use anti-cellulite lotions and creams with such ingredients as cola nut, ivy, lemon, barley, yellow sweet clover, fennel and strawberry. They can help to get rid of cellulite, too.


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