Get Fit With Less Costs

Many people think that keeping their body in tonus costs a lot of money. Of course being in a good shape requires constant trainings in the sport gym or expensive individual lessons with instructors and teachers. So does it mean that if you experience lean times you have to forget about your muscles and neglect your own health? Definitely not. If you want to get fit all you need is desire, persistence and some time for yourself.

Using simple instruments you can achieve high results. Remember once people didn’t go to the gyms but still many of them were in a good shape due to home practicing and exercises with ordinary additional implements. Check out some ways to get fit, but herewith keep your money safe.

1. Resistance bands. With their help you can make every muscle of your body work. They will be very useful for those who don’t want to lift weight, but still want to practice heaving exercises and stretch themselves. 
This is the most versatile instrument, since there are plenty of exercises you can perform using it. Plus it costs about 10$.

2. Walking and running. Doing this you won’t have to spend anything except your time, but instead you’ll get more health and feel yourself full of active energy. Doctors recommend two hours of walking per day to get fit and at least half an hour morning running to be in absolutely good tonus. Besides stairs walking is considered to be the most effective exercise, as it contributes to weight loss and improving of cardio activity.

3. Use jump rope. If you have some children in your family you can borrow it for some time, but if you don’t after all you’ll have to buy it for 5-8$. It’s proved that jumping can burn the calories very quickly. ( 180 calories for 15 minutes of practicing with Jump rope).

4. Don’t be shy to go to the playground, since there are so many great constructions which will help you to stretch your body and diversify the number of exercise you do.

5. Check out YouTube to find an appropriate online yoga, stretching or fitness exercises and try to repeat all the moves, showed by instructors.

6. Play volleyball on the beach, go cycling with your friends, swim and do everything that can make you move!


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