Laser Hair Removal – Prices

Getting a good and effective hair removal is one of the most important concerns for women, increasingly interested in enhance their beauty and personal hygiene.However, the hair varies considerably depending on cultures. For example, some type of hair is called the area, as in the case of English in Brazil.

In some geographical areas is not given importance to have some hair, as is the case of fuzz mustache in France, where not pluck their armpits. Even in other areas such as Japan have appreciated more pubic hair than the average.Consequently throughout history have developed multiple various methods of hair removal Although the choice of one or the other depends mainly on the needs of individual women and of important factors as the characteristics of the skin, hair type and the area that wish to treat.It is therefore very useful to know the advantages and disadvantages of the main hair removal techniques so that we can get best results depending on the specific needs of each moment. So we obtar by techniques such as permanent hair removal, Or workarounds. In recent years we have experienced a boom in Laser Hair Removal whose use is increasingly common in both women and men.Use the menu on the left to learn more about hair removal method chosen as well as some tips to bring out the most convenient.There are many treatments for hair removal, Either temporary or permanent. Laser hair removal is recommended for people who want a permanent solution for hair removal.

The hair removal system is based on the properties of the laser, an instrument that emits light at a single wavelength. This length is absorbed by the Hair melanin, While it is not absorbed by the water found in the skin. This allows you to burn the hair and the matrix that contains the hair without damaging the skin.The Laser hair removal is a permanent method Because its effects last for about five years, but not definitive, because no scientifically sepuede ensure that hair does not grow back.

The duration and effectiveness of treatment depends on the area in which it operates. For example, the English would need about four sessions While on the face, the process is slower and require between 6 and 8 sessions.As an example we show the average price would imply a laser hair removal in different parts of the body.Laser Hair Removal – Approximate prices (8 sessions)

Full Face Waxing – $ 1,000
Full Arm Hair Removal – 1,400 euros
Waxing Full Leg – € 2,000
Waxing Full Trunk – 1,700 euros


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